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"ORIGAMI" style in interior design 



Falling Leaves are decorative elements, shaped as single leaf or as group of leaves, to personalize the walls of a room with a unique composition.

Falling leaves are three-dimensional wall-decors : they are laser cutted on plexiglass sheets and hot bent .
With these shaped leaf elements, "origami" style, it’s possible to draw the wall and the space not only with the decorative element, but also with the reflections and shadows that it projects when illuminated.

The atmosphere, full of shadows and lights, which is created in a room whose walls or ceilings are enriched with these bright decorative elements of different colors, changes over the houres of the day ,depending on the light and the sun's rays.

The totality of all these effects, shadows, contrast of light and dark, and, essentially, the atmosphere created, evokes far immages : shimmering reflections in a Japanese water garden, geometric lines of a Zen garden. Our imagination leads us in the East, to the Origami’s world, where the inspiration of Falling Leaves begins.

i Colli Euganei dopo una pioggia in autunno. in primo piano si vedono gli elementi per decorare le pareti ispirati agli origami, in plexiglass, a forma di foglia
Autumn rain on Euganei Hills . Falling Leaves by Alessandra Meacci
il mare d'inverno in Toscana. sulla spiaggia gli elementi per il wall decor Falling Leaves, in plexiglass
Winter sea in Tuscany.
Falling Leaves design  by Alessandra Meacci
le luci di Natale a Roma sullo sfondo, glie lementi deocrativi in plexiglass per decorare le pareti  riflettono le luci color arcobaleno
Christmas lights in Rome, rainbow reflections on Falling Leaves. Live design, by Alessandra Meacci
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alessandra meacci  architetto | interior designer | designer          sede : via ferrante aporti 12, abano  terme,  padova            p . i v a   04269740280  

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