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Ho conosciuto Beatrice di My Tiny Home al Salone Satellite nel 2015, quando lei mi raccontò il suo progetto: aprire un magazine on-line, dedicato alle soluzioni di arredo per piccoli appartamenti, che permettessero di vivere in spazi small, senza rinunciare a funzionalità e stile.

Al Salone Satellite 2015 ricordo che le era particolarmente piaciuta DHARMA, la mia libreria studiata per creare un divisorio verde, dove tra i moduli contenitori i rampicanti crescono e si avvolgono alla struttura. Parlammo molto dei giardini verticali, del verde pensato per coniugarsi all'elemento di arredo e pronto a riconquistare gli interni delle nostre case; temi a me molto cari e che infatti hanno ispitrato diversi miei progetti (oltre alla libreria DHARMA, le fioriere GARDENY e il modulo divisorio per open space BOLINA) .

Beatrice a dicembre ha finalmente messo on line il suo sito , e mi ha fatto molto piacere che abbia raccontato in una delle sue prime pagine di me e dei miei progetti che in questi anni ha continuato a seguire.

Ecco qui il link a MY TINY HOME , dove troverete l'articolo in versione originale....

per chi non sa il tedesco, riporto una traduzione in inglese che Beatrice mi ha gentilmente inviato.

"Product designer, interior designer, architect – Alessandra Meacci is an all-round talent for living design. We met her at the furniture fair in Milan and were especially thrilled by her bookshelf DHARMA, which is also a room divider and a vertical garden at the same time. An ideal piece for small apartments: Thanks to its wireframe structure, it doesn’t take away to much light while creating the feeling of different living areas. This year, it won Alessandra the third place at the international A’Design Award 2016. We say: Congratulations! Alessandra, how did you geht the idea for your bookshelf DHARMA? I was investigating the opportunities of modularity: I used a basic element in different materials, trying to combine the advantages of standardized production to the versatility and customization of the assembly. I chose the hexagonal cell as basic module: I was inspired by the geometry of the hive and, more generally, I was looking for a recurring form in nature. I wanted to give an "organic" feature to the product, because I think that the object of design is something alive in the environment in which it is located, and lives of the changes of the light and the way it interacts with the people using it. What about the plants? DHARMA is a bookshelf with a “green” heart: the essential feature of the product is to give the opportunity to the end user to customize the bookcase by growing climbing plants on its structure, among the wood modules. Dharma is an „living“ object: you can shape it day by day, by choosing the type of plants, how to make them climb the iron rod structure, taking care of them. ––––––––––––––– Alessandra really likes modular forms as well as the integration of living plants into her designs, which you can also see when looking at her plant stands GARDENY. They can be used to grow vertical gardens and green walls, so they are an ideal tool to install greenery on a small balcony or inside, for example as a room divider as well (or of of course in a garden in case you have one). The modules are made of a thin metallic structure so they do look elegant. Each module has three legs, which must be driven in the ground of the garden. On the balcony or inside, you need to stick them into a flower pot on the floor to give them stability. If you install plants in the pot as well as on the GARDENYs, you get a nice vertical garden with different levels. ––––––––––––––– The room divider BOLINA is another fascinating object which due to its size and the round form unfortunately isn’t the first choice for a small apartment. But for people who love plants but don’t have a garden, it is a great idea to create an interior vertical garden. The delicate structure cans also be filled with greenery and plants on your own taste. Alessandra exchanged a lot of the metal rods with textile ropes to give even more lightness to the object – visually as well as practically: As a modular system, the room divider can easily disassembled and transported. You can find more exciting projects on Alessandras website In case you are interested in her products, she’d be happy to get a message from you. Thanks so much, Alessandra, and good luck to you!"

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alessandra meacci  architetto | interior designer | designer          sede : via ferrante aporti 12, abano  terme,  padova            p . i v a   04269740280  

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